NFT Airdrop

Q. How To Receive An NFT Airdrop?

NFT Airdrop Process


This is Team playNomm.

NFT Airdrop proceeds as follows.

[Signup] → [Connect Metamask] → [Submit *Email] → [Receive NFT] → [Receive rewards]

(*Please note that Metamask is pre-requsite)

[Step 1] Signup

  1. Click the link below and visit our website

2. Press Register Now

3. Proceed KYC process with either email address or social media account

4. Check I am not Korean and press Next button

5. Fill out information

6. Upload your passport photo by following the photo guide

7. You have successfully finished up your signup. Please allow us to process your submission.

This will take up to 24 hours.

*You will be notified via your email once your submission is processed.

[Step 2] Connect Metamask

1. Log in your account and press Wallet Icon to connect your Metamask

[Step 3] Submit Email Address

1. Inform us your email address

2. You are all set. Your NFT is on its way. You will receive your NFT within 24 hours

[Step 4] Receive NFT

  1. Press Profile Icon → My Collection

2. Press your NFT(s) airdropped

3. Press Reveal to open it (after animation) You have successfully received your NFT

[Step 5] Receive Rewards

Please note that your rewards will be granted on a weekly basis(*Every Monday)

  1. Press Wallet Icon

2. Press History Check the transaction of your rewards granted

*You will be able to check the details of your reward transactions on "Reward" Menu after 10/14

Last updated